Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So why keep working at a place that has negative managers instead of positive leadership? Even though I need a job I don't need to be told that I have been a crappy employee ever since I was hired(in May). It is now September and you tell me my attitude is awful and I am not the person you thought I was.

Well maybe I should not have been lead on when I was hired. I just wanted to make a difference at work. I did to everybody but my "manager". They can pay someone else to work for less than 30k to do the same job job. Good luck sucker!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Living Life

It is coming up on the two year anniversary of my lung transplant. Since that date I have been trying to live a "normal" life. Working and having fun. Around November I went to Boston for thanksgiving and became a little depressed with my life. We had moved back to Arizona for about nine months.
In AZ I had a good job a nice apartment and we were back with our friends however I started feeling sick. So we had decided to move back to MI.
We have been back in MI since February and have been feeling great besides some small sinus issues.
I have been much happier since the move but at times I feel that I have not been doing my donor proud. Does anybody else feel this way at times?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Courageous and strong, stubborn, and silly we stand as one. Knowing what to say to each other at all times. Know each other so well we really do not have to say anything.

Making sure things are going to be OK. A hospital visit may bring us close but it is the bond of CF that makes us strong and holds us together forever. He says never give up fight with everything you have. With a will to live he hangs a storm door on 15% lung capacity as he gets the call for new life. It was this will to live that will keep you in my mind and heart always. As your CF buddy your fight for life continues inside of me. Not always seeing eye to eye, you still had an influence on my life. I can still remember your thumbs up to let us all know it would be OK. I still look for that thumbs up so I can know it will all be fine. It was a symbol for life and a struggle. I love you Rob and your will to survive this blessed curse of CF flows through me, and all of us who knew and cared for you. We have all been blessed to have you in our lives.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

CF.....it always disappoints!!!!

Looking back through my 35 years with Cystic Fibrosis I can't help but wonder about all the good and bad times I was forced to miss. Birthdays, holidays, good times with friends, bad times with friends. There was always one thing you could count on and that was getting sick and not being able to attend something. Small events big events, good events and bad. Things you wanted to do along things you didn't want to do. I think it kept me from trouble and it held me back from achieving.

Lets give credit where credit is due, I have met the most influential people through CF. Close, very close friends, entire families, The best Doctors, Nurses, and therapists. I have used CF as best I could to get the things in life I wanted, whether or not I did it consciously you'll never know. It gave me purpose and direction. It is the single focus of my being. CF is a love hate relationship mostly hate. A two way street, but in the end it ends up one way with me going against traffic and crashing.

Enter lung transplant, which has changed my life once again and has made me free of a few burdens of CF. More medication, but more individual freedom. I do see the DR a lot more often than I was used to. No hospital stays at all so far(I hope it stays that way). I have become more germ conscience, wash my vegetables and my fruit with lemon water, no deli meats or cheeses. Hand sanitizers are my best friend on public outings and no immunizations ever(Flu shot is the exception)!!!

Cystic Fibrosis always gets you in the end some how some way. I am blessed for the life I have lived this far. I remember and honor my friends who have fallen victim to CF in one way or another over the years. Feeling lucky to have laughed and cried with all of them. This disease has in one way or the other shaped my life for the better. I have never forgotten all the things in my past, but I am now looking forward to the events that will shape my future.